
'Vereniging BIOBOL' was founded in 2013 as a successor to the 'Cooperative Biobol u.a.', which was founded in 1996. The association is affiliated with the Biohuis; this organisation unites organic agricultural and horticulturalists and represents their interests. Associations of organic arable farmers, livestock farmers, fruit growers, vegetable growers and also regional associations are members of this, and their representatives sit down here together to discuss developments and to be able to influence the regulations. Biohuis Association

Vereniging BIOBOL is also affiliated with the KAVB; the Koninklijke Algemeene Vereeniging voor Bloembollencultuur is the trade association of the flower bulb sector. For example, we are connected to the knowledge in this organization and we can exert our influence on the advocacy of the biological bulb growers in, for example, the management of research. KAVB

Specific pages on organic bulb cultivation are housed under the theme of sustainability, and that is an important theme for this association. Theme sustainability.


The executive board of Biobol consists of three people:

  • Marcel Nijssen, chairman
  • Anja Hoorweg, secretary
  • Hessel Bierma, treasurer